A440 Pay Advice

If running concurrent Payruns, this facility allows you to define different rules per Payrun Environment for what appears on the Pay Advice. To define separate parameters for the printing of Pay Advices you must add a Program Control option for each environment.

The name of the control option to be added is dependent on your Payrun Environment ID. For Example, where xx is your Payrun Environment, set the Program Control option for xx440.

The parameters and their definitions for use in the Data field are as documented below.

Name Position Option Default Description
Level 1 Sequence 14 Y Use Level 1 in the sort sequence.
N   Omit Level 1 from the sort sequence.
Level 2 Sequence 15 Y Use Level 2 in the sort sequence.
N   Omit Level 2 from the sort sequence.
Level 3 Sequence 16 Y Use Level 3 in the sort sequence.
N   Omit Level 3 from the sort sequence.
Level 4 Sequence 17 Y Use Level 4 in the sort sequence.
N   Omit Level 4 from the sort sequence.
Level 5 Sequence 18 Y Use Level 5 in the sort sequence.
N   Omit Level 5 from the sort sequence.
Employee Name 19 Y   Use Employee Name in sort sequence.
N Use Employee Number in sort sequence.
Name Details 20 Y   Print Name Details - Right Side.
N Print Name Details - Left Side.
Address Details 21 Y   Print Address details.
N Suppress Address details.
Envelope Number 22 Y   Print Envelope number.
N Suppress Envelope Number.
Company Number 23 Y  

Print Level 1 code description (e.g. company name, suppress Level 1 code description).

Level 4 (Pay Advice Only) 24 2   Print Level 2 description.
3   Print Level 3 description.
Y, 4, or Blank Print Level 4 description.
5   Print Level 5 description.
N   Do not print any Level Code description.
Salary 25 N Suppress Rate.
  • If Position 25 is set to 'S' and the employee has a Package record with status 'Confirmed' currently at Period End date, the corresponding Total Employment Cost (TEC) will be printed.
  • If Position 25 is set to 'S' and the employee has a Package record with status 'Draft' currently at Period End Date, the Base Rate will be printed.
  • If Position 25 is set to 'S' and the employee does not have a Package record currently at Period End Date, the Base Rate will be printed.

Y   If Position 25 is set to 'Y', the Base Rate will always be printed even if the employee has a confirmed Salary Package record attached.
Base Hours 26 Y   Print Base Hours.
N Suppress Base Hours.

Annual Leave

  27 *Note: This will be overridden by General Leave Settings > Print on Pay slip if NO environment specific A440 (i.e. XX440 - the first two characters being the environment) exists. Otherwise, the General Leave Settings is ignored and the environment-specific XX440 is referenced.
Y   Print Annual Leave entitlement only.
B   Print Annual Leave entitlement and pro-rata as one amount.

Print Annual Leave entitlement and pro-rata as separate amounts.

N Suppress the printing Annual Leave.
  Sick Leave   28 *Note: This will be overridden by General Leave Settings > Print on Pay slip if NO environment specific A440 (i.e. XX440 - the first two characters being the environment) exists. Otherwise, the General Leave Settings is ignored and the environment-specific XX440 is referenced.
W   Print separate balances for Sick Leave with and without certificate.
Y   Print Net Entitlement only in Absolute values.
N Do not print this Leave Class on Pay slips.
  Long Service Leave   29 *Note: This will be overridden by General Leave Settings > Print on Pay slip if NO environment specific A440 (i.e. XX440 - the first two characters being the environment) exists. Otherwise, the General Leave Settings is ignored and the environment-specific XX440 is referenced.
Y   Print Long Service Leave LSL.
B   Print LSL entitlement and pro-rata as one amount.

Print LSL entitlement and pro-rata as separate amounts.

N Suppress the printing of Long Service Leave.
  R.D.O.   30 *Note: This will be overridden by General Leave Settings > Print on Pay slip if NO environment specific A440 (i.e. XX440 - the first two characters being the environment) exists. Otherwise, the General Leave Settings is ignored and the environment-specific XX440 is referenced.
Y   Print R.D.O.
N Suppress the printing of R.D.O.
YTD 31 Y   Print Year to Date details
N Suppress year to Date details
Prepayment/Rebanks 32 Y   Print Prepayment/Rebanks details
N Suppress Prepayment/Rebanks
Employer Super 33 Y   Print Super Contribution details
N Suppress Super Contributions.
Employee Classification 34 E   Print Employee Classification, Permanent, Temporary, Casual or External.
J   Print Job Title.
N Do not print.
P   Print Position Title.
Print Total Hours Amount/Rate 35 Y Print the total number of hours.

Print the total number of hours.

Print Annual Leave Amount 36 A Print absolute annual leave accrual values.
E   Print equivalent annual leave accrual values.
Print Sick Leave Amount . 37 A Print absolute sick leave accrual values.
E   Print equivalent sick leave accrual values.
Print Long Service Leave Amount 38 A Print absolute long service leave accrual values.
E   Print equivalent long service leave accrual values.
Print ABN 39 Blank   Do not print.
Y   Print Company ABN on Pay Advice.
Display User Field 40 Blank Do not display/ Print any User Field in pay slip.
3   Display/ Print User Field 3 in pay slip.
4   Display/ Print User Field 4 in pay slip.
5   Display/ Print User Field 5 in pay slip.
6   Display/ Print User Field 6 in pay slip.
7   Display/ Print User Field 7 in pay slip.
Email Address 41 Blank Do not display Email Address.

Display Email Address.

Business Email Address will be selected. If no Business Email Address is present, the Personal Email Address will be selected.

Employee Bank Account Number 42 Blank Display Employee Bank Account Number.
N   Do Not display Employee Bank Account Number.
Retro Components Display 43 Y  

The Retro Components will be grouped by Retro Code and displayed separately on Pay slip's Before Tax Earnings section under the heading RETRO.

This grouped Retro Components will be placed after Allowances and before Taxable Gross Earnings.

N or Blank The Pay slip format will not change.
Display Costing Date on pay slip 45 N or Blank

This will not display the Costing Date on pay slips.

Y   Display the Costing Date on email pay slips, ESS pay slips, A4 Cold Seal pay slips, and Collection Folder pay slips.

Display Costing Date on Pay slips for Hours Codes and Allowances, both current and retro.

B   Display Costing Date on Pay slips for Hours Codes and Deductions, both current and retro.
C   Display Costing Date on Pay slips for Hours Codes and Allowances/Deductions, both current and retro.

Period End Dates will be displayed on Pay slips against any Retrospective records relating to previous Pay Periods (ESS, Cold Seal, and Collection Folder).

This is used when Dates are required on the Pay slip for any records with a Costing Date prior to the current Pay Period.

Form Type 46 P   PDF
Z   Z-Fold
Blank Standard Print
Merge A/D into hours 47 Y   Use the Merge A/D Codes into Hours function.
N or Blank Do not merge A/D Codes into Hours.
Print Award Classification or Salary Code 48 A   Print Award Classification Description on Pay slip.
C   Print Award Codes Description on Pay slip.
S   Print Salary Code Description on Pay slip.
B   Print Award Classification Description, Award Codes Description, and Salary Code Description on Pay slip.
Blank Print nothing - the line after Job Title will be blank.
Display Notes on Pay slips 49 R   Recipient Only. The Recipient will display on the pay slip in the Notes section.
N   Allow/Deduct Notes only. The Allow/Deduct Notes will display in the Notes section.
B or Blank Both Recipient and Allow/Deduct Notes. The recipient and the Allow/Deduct Notes will be displayed.